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The Differences Between Medical Vs. Recreational Cannabis

The Differences Between Medical Vs. Recreational Cannabis

Medical cannabis and recreational cannabis are different due to the content of active ingredients present in them. The Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contentare quite high in recreational cannabis compared to medicinal cannabis.

  • What is Medical and Recreational Cannabis?

Medical cannabis refers to any cannabis-based medicines. Since 1 November 2018, medicinal cannabis has been legalized in the UK. Thepatients in the UK can be prescribed medicinal cannabis by specialist doctors for certain health conditions, provided that they have already tried two other forms of treatment previously.

Recreational cannabis (known as weed) also comes from the cannabis plant, but they are not exclusively used for medical benefits. Instead, recreational cannabis users are usually interested in getting a high from cannabis plants. The reason for getting high by consuming recreational cannabis is its high THC content.

  • Why is recreational cannabis not ideal for medicinal cannabis?

There is no denying that the THC content is medicinally advantageous. Still, the psychoactive nature of this cannabis is not ideal for those who want to have cannabis exclusively for health issues. For medicinal benefits, you don’t need to consume cannabis with high THC content.

On the other hand, the high CBD content in medicinal cannabis has been proven scientifically to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-anxiety, anti-carcinogenic, and antipsychotic properties. Though the price of medical cannabis is a little high (Read Explore Medical Cannabis Prices in the UK), it is ideal for you if you want to enjoy the health benefits.

  • The Difference:

Though essentially medicinal and recreational cannabis is similar, there are several ways that differentiate them. They are:

  1. The Basis:

While recreational cannabis isTHC-based, medicinal cannabis isCBD-based.

  1. Price:

The price of both medicinal and recreational cannabis depends on several factors. Since THC is quite expensive, recreational cannabis is more expensive due to its high THC content.

  1. Legal acceptance:

Since November 2018, medicinal cannabis has been legalized in the UK with GMC-registered specialist doctor’s prescriptions. However, there are still legal hassles with recreational cannabis. Recreational users face legal ramifications and even jail time if found in possession of cannabis for recreational use or with an intent to distribute.

  1. Quality Makes the Difference:

Last but not least, the quality matters the most. Medicinal cannabis is produced according to strict regulations and keeping the potential side effects in mind to ensure patients’ safety. On the other hand, recreational cannabis does not maintain safety standards.

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