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How To Get A Prescription For Medical Cannabis In The UK

How To Get A Prescription For Medical Cannabis In The UK

The uses of cannabis have always been a centre of discussion in the UK. However, the legalisation of medical cannabis in 2018 has made the conversation to an end. Now, anyone can have cannabis in the UK with a valid prescription.

While some people can successfully have their cannabis prescriptions secured by a doctor, others follow illegal ways to have it. If you do not want to face the legal hassles with any illegal activity, you should get a legal cannabis prescription. To help you find the best way to get a prescription legally for medical cannabis in the UK, we have shared a few tips.

  • Conditions When You Can Get a Medical Cannabis Prescription:

To get a cannabis prescription, you should contact a GMC-registered doctor. A GP (General Practitioner) can also prescribe under shared care arrangements or under the guidance of a specialist. You can get a prescription for the following conditions:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • PTSD
  • ADHD
  • Chronic Pain and neuropathy
  • Epilepsy
  • Issuing a Prescription:

There is some limited guidance for doctors. Since the NHS cannot routinely prescribe cannabis, it becomes quite challenging to persuade your GP to issue a prescription. Cannabis is prescribed when the conventional treatment method does not work effectively or when the other methods have the possibility of adverse side-effect. If you are experiencing any kind of side effect, including drowsiness, addiction, inability to concentrate, sickness, or any others, you can contact your GP to issue a prescription.

  • Things to Follow to Get a Prescription:

When you choose a clinic for a cannabis prescription, they will ask you for a consultation. The consultation fees might range from £99 to £300. It is recommended to get a referral letter from your GP. Your GP can help you get specialist treatment with a reference. Your chosen clinic will get your medical records to determine whether you need a medical cannabis treatment or not. If you qualify, they will provide you with a cannabis prescription.

  • How to Find a Medical Cannabis Clinic in the UK to Get a Prescription:

Finding the right medical cannabis clinic in the UK is crucial to ensure you get a medical cannabis prescription. You should consider a few factors to choose the right one.

  • Go for a clinic that issues prescriptions based on your conditions.
  • Consider the cost associated with their services. Find the one that charge standard prices for their consultation and medical cannabis prescription. (Go through Explore Medical Cannabis Prices in the UK for more information)
  • Consider the experience of the clinic. When it comes to choosing a medical cannabis clinic, experience matters to get your prescription without any hassle.

For more information about how to qualify for a medical cannabis prescription, feel free to connect with us.

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