Marijuana, otherwise known as cannabis, has only in recent times had myths and misconceptions spread about it. Mostly, such myths blur the understanding of its effects, whether negative or positive, on health and society. Let us now debunk the top 10 myths:
It has been documented that marijuana use bears no relation to harder drugs; it is not a stepping-stone to hard drugs. Research has proven that most marijuana users never use drugs other than marijuana.
Evidence has demonstrated that marijuana use compromises cognitive abilities—specifically in heavy users and during adolescence. These effects reverse when use is discontinued.
The general feeling is that marijuana doesn’t kill brain cells. Literature indicates it may have neuroprotective properties and might even encourage neurogenesis in certain contexts.
While excessive marijuana use may exaggerate symptoms among those
predisposed to psychosis, it does not directly lead to the problem.
However, responsible use may significantly reduce the risk of associated
problems with it.
There is no clear proof that marijuana smoke causes incidences of lung cancer just like tobacco smoke. However, smoking is an irritant to the lungs thus other methods of use should be sought such as vaporization or edibles.
Even marijuana use by an expectant mother can be dangerous to the fetal development, and it should be avoided. It leads to a lot of complication to the baby, such as having low birth weight.
It has been proven that rates of crimes have not increased due to legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes. Some states reported a drop in violent crimes due to marijuana use subsection legalization.
Medical marijuana has been accepted to show effective results in many medical treatments, especially in pain management, nausea management, and improving appetite.
Yes, marijuana–when intoxicated by it–distorts short-term memory, but the impact is only for a temporary duration, and all gets back to normal when he/she regains his/her sobriety.
Visit Integro Clinic to learn about the benefits and risks associated with marijuana use. Their facilities will help you understand how marijuana is going to affect health and wellness. Resources are live on their website,, to learn more regarding evidence-based perspectives on marijuana.