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BackCare, the UK’s National Back Pain Charity, and Integro Medical Clinics Webinar May 25th 7pm

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1 in 3 people in the UK will experience the agony of back pain at some point in their life. The Work Foundation Report estimates that 12.5 percent of all days lost at work are due to back pain. It can be an utterly miserable condition where traditional medical approaches such as
opioids, pain killers, steroid injections and surgery often fail to bring satisfactory relief. At times, they can make a patient’s situation worse.
Lockdown has seen a surge in chronic back pain due to hours spent crouched over laptops in unsuitable workspaces compounded by a reduction in normal daily movement. Cannabis Medicines are gaining increasing interest as an effective and safe treatment for this pain, when
traditional methods have failed to help.

The National Back Pain Association (more commonly known as BackCare or BackPain UK) has been educating the public on ways to alleviate and help prevent back pain for over 50 years.

In addition to assisting healthcare professionals, BackCare provides practical and emotional support to people living with back pain through education, information, and individual advice.
Help is at hand wherever there is back pain, whether through injury, wear and tear, musculoskeletal disorders such as Scoliosis, Axial Spa, or Spina Bifida, or as a consequence of another underlying health condition including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease or cancer.
BackCare and Integro Medical Clinics who specialise in Cannabis Medicines, have joined forces to produce an informative and potentially life-changing webinar event that will be of interest to anyone suffering the misery of back pain and to health care providers alike.

This stand-alone webinar event will be focusing on the practical application of biomedical knowledge behind cannabis medicines and back pain. The discussion will explore the potential benefits of the addition of cannabis medicines into a chronic pain management regime for this diverse patient group.
The healthcare professionals taking part in the event have years of experience between them in complex pain management and expertise in the treatment of back pain for a variety of conditions.
Audience members will have the opportunity to present questions to the panel at the end of the session.

The Panel:

Dr Basil Almahdi – Pain Specialist at Integro Medical Clinics and the London Spinal Clinic

Dr Brian Hammond PhD – Chiropractor, Osteopath and CEO of BackCare Charity

Dr Anthony Ordman – Hon. Clinical Director of Integro Medical Clinics, a private pain clinic that prescribes cannabis medicines and one of the UK’s most experienced specialists in the treatment of pain.

For his contributions to Pain Medicine Dr Ordman was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians in 2005, and he is Immediate past President of the Pain Medicine Section of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Date & Time:
Tuesday 25th May 19:00 – 20:30
This webinar will be of interest to health care providers and anyone suffering from back pain whether it is a primary condition or a secondary symptom of a more complex pain condition such as MS, Fibromyalgia or Osteoarthritis.

We look forward to seeing you!

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Back pain webinar PDF

If you would like further press information/interviews with the panel or back pain patients currently using cannabis medicines for true stories:

To contact BackCare: Denice Logan Rose on 07751 667645 or Website:

When conventional treatments reach their limit, our work begins.

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Integro Clinics