When a patient is first prescribed medical cannabis flower by a specialist doctor at Integro Clinics, the prospect of actually taking their prescription using a medical vaporizer can seem daunting. There is a full time specialist cannabis practise nurse at Integro Clinics, who is available to answer questions and give practical advice. Vape Dispensary are also very happy to answer any patient’s questions relating to the machines and their maintenance.
George Alexander the CEO of Vape Dispensary, the established expert in the medical vaporizer market, has joined forces with Integro Medical Clinics to produce a series of three films that inform and educate the patient in a clear and concise manner.
The first film examines what are the differences between a medically approved vaporiser and a regular consumer one? A prescribed vaporizer may be covered by health insurance and you may be allowed to use it in a hospital or clinical setting. It will meet the highest EU clinical medical device standards and will heat herbal materials to
a point at which the oils evaporate and become steam with active ingredients. It comes with a grinder that allows you weigh out your specifically prescribed amount of flower and then put it in the correct size dosing capsule to heat then inhale – either 50mg, 100mg or 150 mg
Examples of medical vaporizers include the two best sellers, the Mighty Medic (£314) and the Volcano Medic (£449) produced by German manufacturer, Storz and Bickel. They are made of the highest standard of medically approved materials and ensure the patient has complete peace of mind.
We speak to patients every day who couldn’t live without the option of using cannabis medicines in their dry herb medical vaporiser because it can be delivered quickly. It allows you to take a very precise dosage compared to other options such as edibles and oils. It is the quickest and best way for a patient to get instant relief.” said George Alexander, CEO of Vape Dispensary.
Look out for film two next week on the website, which looks at how to actually use the medical vaporizer.