Smoking marijuana poses much concern among those living with asthma due to respiratory irritation and potential risk to health. Marijuana has gained great acceptability and popularity in its medicinal effects, particularly in pain and stress management. However, the common modes of marijuana inhalation can either exacerbate asthma symptoms or trigger an attack. Here is a critical view of the risks, possible benefits, and safe alternatives for a patient with asthma who contemplates medical marijuana.
Smoking Weed with Asthma: Risks
Smoke from any source, marijuana included and introduces foreign irritants as well as toxins into the lungs. The combustive process of smoking and inhaling release a number of chemicals that bring out airway inflammation leading to impaired lung function.
Benefits of Using Cannabis to Treat Asthma:
Some asthmatic patients may resort to the use of cannabis to obtain symptomatic relief, disregarding the harmful effects of smoking. Cannabinoids, such as CBD (cannabidiol), have actually demonstrated some anti-inflammatory potential in the airways.
Vaporization: Vaporizers heat cannabis to a temperature high enough to release cannabinoids and terpenes but low enough to avoid combustion, which causes many of the harmful substances in burnt plant material.
Edibles: Cannabis-infused food or other edible products can include just about anything, from gummies to oils. This method completely bypasses the respiratory system and allows for cannabinoids to be absorbed through digestion instead. patients may wish to start with.
Topicals: Marijuana-infused topical creams or lotions are applied to the skin and offer pain relief, localized to where it is applied, and does not enter the bloodstream.
Counseling and Monitoring:
Patients with asthma who express interest in the use of cannabis need to approach healthcare providers conversant with their medical background. They will receive tailored advice on the potential benefits and risks, as well as the dosages. The patients must closely monitor themselves to ensure that their asthma is not compromised by using cannabis.
Find safe and effective cannabis-related guidance and holistic health solutions at Integro Clinic. Our clinic is rooted in the values of customized care and innovative treatment to support your individual well-being. The care at Integro Clinic is diversified, ranging from the treatment of asthma to routes of pain relief. To learn more, visit Integro Clinic.